Today marks the first day of a fast food ban. A giant thank you to Wendy's who was the proverbial straw that broke the camel's back. Today during my lunch break I went to Wendy's and waited 20 minutes in line....you know for FAST FOOD. My order was simple, although perhaps too complex for the G.E.D.less yokels that work there. I ordered a chicken sandwich with just mayo and a double stack, formerly the stack attack, plain, a value fry and a large coke. VERYYYYY complicated I know. So I go to the window and pay for my "meal" to what looked like Quasimodo and went to the next window to get my food. I should have known that something was askew when my order was waiting on me. In the history of me ordering "fast food" it has never been ready when I pulled up to the window, especially since I order most things plain. Although the warning sign was there I foolishly ignored it and drove away back to my place of employment to try and enjoy a little bit of Jim Rome on the radio and have my "meal" before I had to go back to my indentured servitude.
Here is the part in the story where I get angry. I eat my chicken sandwich and fries without incident, and then I go to open the double stack.....damnit it is not plain. How hard is it to read a screen? How hard is it to see that it says plain next to that order? Apparently this is one of the more complicated tasks in the world because I would say that 1 out of every 3 trips the these garbage factories results in me getting the wrong food. I know that none of these folks are creating cures for cancer, brain storming new technological advances or even just bathing on a regular basis, so, is it too much to ask for them to get my damn order correct?
Incidentally I gave my burger to someone else, which will make my wife happy to know that I did not eat the extra food. And since I am just a peon, I did not have enough time to go get something else to eat or even drive back to Wendy's to go all "Jesy" on them. Sorry for the inside joke there, but if you want to know the story please let me know and I will tell anyone.
So, no more fast food joints for me, unless it is an emergency or I am out voted by a group i am out with. Thank you Wendy's for ruining a good run of bad food.
Its not just wendys either, alot of fast food joints are pretty bad when it comes to getting orders right, which sucks for us picky folks who dont like green crap. Luckly there are alot of options these days that are not fast and fat, yet still pretty quick to get you your meal. Any sub restaurant in the Greater Cincinnati area are good examples, and I've had good success with any Cincinnati native restaurants. Dont get me started on Chipotle either, I'll be here all day writing compliments!
I love it!!! Aunt Sue Martin emailed me and said that she wanted to know about me and fast food. I'll have to tell the story this weekend at Fox Run. Too funny, love your blog babe!!
Neil, I agree with you on Chipotle (of course)!! I'm pretty sure you and I could eat there every day!! Hmmmm.... and what would be the harm eating there every day??? I might consider the Chipotle diet then write an entire book on it, what do you think? Chipotle owners would love me but I don't think my husband would enjoy this little venture.
Ummmm..... so if you aren't going to eat Fast Food anymore does that mean Jesy is going to make your lunches?!!! LOL LOL sorry Jess...
George, I think this latest incident will be a great catalyst for you. It's time. It's time to realize the dream and open Flavorless George's Burgers and WhatNot. At FG's, there is no chance of a meal not being prepared plain because you won't even stock vegetables, ketchup, or anything else that "taints" the real flavor of greasy meat. I wouldn't even bother with bread...just hunks of meat on a stick.
My advice to you is to stick to fast food that you can build. Chipotle was mentioned, Subway, Skyline. Or you can always try odering fast food with the following attachment "I SAID PLAIN MOTHERFUCKER!!!" I apologize for the language, but desperate times call for desperate measures. Or you could order caveman style "MEAT AND CHEESE AND BREAD OOH OOH AHHHHHHHHH!"
But think of you're loved ones and friends. Why deprive us all of your rantings and ravings every single time this happens, which is HILARIOUS. I was almost on the floor after reading because of college flashbacks of you going postal when McDonald's put onions on your hamburger...classic.
I would vote for a clip show on FOX in the same vain as WHEN ANIMALS ATTACK called WHEN GEORGE GETS TOPPINGS.
One more quick editorial note: your blog title should read controversy with an "o." great post though...
Andy......I was almost in tears. your response was great, and don't think that I won't open my own meat on a stick joint!
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